General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Personal data is information relating to an identifiable living individual. Whenever personal data is processed, collected, recorded, stored or disposed of it must be done within the terms of the Data Protection Act (DPA).
The DPA and other information rights laws set out your rights regarding your personal information, how organisations should carry out direct marketing and how you can access information from public authorities.
Bispham Drive Junior School is committed to ensuring that the data we hold about members of our school community remains private and is dealt with sensitively. The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into effect on 25th May 2018 and we fully comply with the new information legislation. Our named Data Protection Officers and their contact details are as follows:
School Data Protection Officer (DPO): Mr David Belton
Data Protection Link Governor: Mr James Hicks
Please find below our School Privacy Notice which outlines the data we hold and how it is processed.
Bispham Drive Privacy Notices
Privacy Notice – Photos & Activities
Privacy Notice – Online Payments
Privacy Notice-Publishing Coursework